Van Kempen Engineering & Consultancy

Your Success in High-Tech is our Business

For organizations that want to distinguish themselves with innovations and high-tech

Successful innovations and the execution of challenging projects in high-tech; KEC can help you with this. Since 1995, KEC has distinguished itself through its integrated approach with a focus on technology, organization and business. In addition, KEC combines state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies with pragmatism, so that innovations quickly lead to new business and high-tech projects exceed expectations.


Leadership through innovations and successful market introductions. Successful implementation of innovations resulting in higher turnover and margin.


Bringing innovations faster towards applications and business. Pushing the organization to the next level at a lower cost.

Educational and knowledge institutes

Valorization, connecting with the business community and successfully launching start-ups.


Sustainable economic growth, through successful policies, programs and instruments, internationally, nationally or regionally.


Successful programs on innovation and high-tech.